Saturday, July 24, 2010

Well Kat - We Certainly Ain't in Spartanburg Anymore or Kansas for that matter

Written- 1:15pm EST, 1:15am in Beijing 

When we arrived at our Hotel on Friday, it was perfect timing. It was around 7pm and after a quick shower and bite to eat, we were down for the count until the next morning. Our agency did a great job of taking us from the airport to the hotel and really looking after ALL the details which allows us to concentrate on the upcoming BIG day on Monday and connecting with the 23 other families who are here for the same mission, to adopt a Chinese orphan. It has been such a blessing for us to share our stories with one another and hear how God has uniquely called each one of us and how He is working in their lives as He is our own. We have families everywhere from Washington DC, Washington, NC, and the state of Washington. They have come from Chicago, St. Louis, St. Charles, and many points in between. As unique as our stories are, they are very similar in many ways. It is impossible to explain how full our hearts continue to be but you multiply that by about 60-70 people all called by God to this place and at this time with expectation their personal experience will change a heart or many hearts - it is one of great blessing, joy and simple awe. 

I am so glad our whole group will go to worship tomorrow together. In addition to the rustling of God's Encouraging Word, we will be rustling the pages of our passport if we want to get through the doors. We are so excited to be able to corporately worship and will be singing praises to our Mighty God with our new friends from all around the country. 

Two more sleeps till Gotcha day and we can hardly want. We did learn today that we will fly from Beijing about 9am to NanChang with time for us to check into our hotel and get a few things straight before actually walking across the street to meet Kirby at the Civil Affairs Office. Although we may not be in Kansas of SC right now, there is no better spot to be than in the will of God where ever that may take you. Thank You for you prayers and a specific one will be that Kirby will make the initial meeting of us easy on her. Lord, please calm her heart and give he the peace of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of Salomon for the days ahead.

Blessings for David and Kat


Jill said...

Glad you made it safely! Enjoy Beijing!

Laura Hollowell said...

This is so exciting!!

Katie said...

We are so excited and praying for yall each step of the way!!! I'm not sure if Aunt Katie will sleep much tonight,thinking and praying for her sweet new niece. ( and of course her forever family too:) Praising God for His Wonderful plans for your precious family. Uncle Tommy