Thursday, July 29, 2010

Blessed Beyond Belief

Thursday July 29, NanChang

After a good night sleep with only a couple of quick checks on Kirby though the night; Kat and I woke to listen to the book of Galatians on our audio bible and thanking God for making it possible for us to live by the Spirit and not our flesh. God has so blessed us and our family and to bring Kirby into our forever family is just the latest evidence of what He has always done for us. Then we get out of bed and walk two feet to look into the crib of this angel sound asleep. It's like waking up on Christmas morning everyday!!!!!

It has been amazing to watch Kirby over the last 72 hours since we first got her. It is a great joy to see her attach to us as Mom and Dad and her precious personality take shape as she feels more and more comfortable with us. Kat and I were having fun observing certain characteristics that match her siblings; her cute personality is playful and very very sweet like our Laura Sims (slooooow to wake up just like her big sister too). 

Many people have commented on how long (tall) Kirby is. Combined with how rapidly she has progress in 3 days, from barely able to sit up by herself to actually scooting, crawling and soon to be pulling up, reminds us so much of how David 3 was walking and had climbed out of his crib at this same age Kirby is now. A very funny thing happened at breakfast yesterday when a couple from Spain was seated next to us with their newly adopted baby girl. They spoke no English and Kat and I obviously are language challenged and as we tried to compliment each other on their beautiful new additions, the husband was able to convey how long Kirby is. Kat quickly made it known that she took after me, her daddy! The whole family howled with laughter and prompted the mama of the of their girl to puff out her plump cheeks and point to her baby and then to herself and said "takes after Mama" .. We all broke up laughing and have enjoyed seeing them around the hotel the last several days.

Kirby is a very observant child. She is so inquisitive and curious just like her big brother James. Every time either Kat or myself step around the corner Kirby swings her head around and cranes her neck to try and follow to see where we have gone. She will take "child proofing" our home to a whole new level and a lot sooner than we thought just a few days ago. James will be a perfect big brother to answer lots of questions which she is already forming but just not quite able to ask yet. 

We have been amazed how non-demanding Kirby has been. She never screams for her bottle or gets out of sorts like most nine month old who can't yet verbalize their needs. The two words which we have associated with these characteristics are content with an eager to please nature. This along with doing sit ups everyday very much reminds us of Nathan. By the very definition these two will become best friends in short order and can hardly wait to see it happen.

As parents to these terrific children, it will be one of the highest blessings from God to witness first hand the molding of our family which God has already begun to reveal us. What an absolute joy and make no mistake, God is the only One who can do such wonderful things and He alone receives the credit and glory. 

We complete the last of our paperwork on Friday and Kirby will receive her Chinese passport. This will allow us to fly to Guangzhou tomorrow night for another round of paper work and an official oath taking ceremony on August 2nd. Thank everyone for their prayers and we will check back in when we get settled in our next leg of this wonderful odyssey.  
For this child we have prayed and God has granted us our petition. Thank you Lord for your goodness and mercy upon us,

David and Kat

 Could there be anything more wonderful than waking to this sweet thing next to you in the morning

All "The Girls" ready for our trip to the park

 Spent the morning at a beautiful public park

A local lady stopped and fussed at us because we had not properly protected Kirby from the sun. The older Chinese ladies love babies and want to teach us "rookies" how to care for our little ones. Very sweet but also difficult to communicate with.
The Peoples Park - very fun and very hot.
"Welcome to McDonald's" - Our whole group agreed, these were the best french fries EVER ! Starting to really miss western food.

McDonald's gave Kirby her very first ice cream cone - she also enjoyed her first french fries

Home for our afternoon nap - Kirby loves pink bunny snugly

1 comment:

Laura G said...

We love reading the updates and seeing the pictures. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Laura and Jimmy and family