Friday, July 23, 2010

David's Thoughts on the Plane

My Dad made some notes as he journaled yesterday on the plane. They aren't able at this point to get on the blog, so for now I'm going to be the mediator and be posting and sending any comments back to them via email! Thanks so much for all your prayers that got them there  safely. - Laura Sims

"After a week full of making sure all the details of the trip were taken care of, the reality of what was only "one sleep" away was something I simply cannot describe. I believe I could have actually finished all I had to do in fairly short order but took my time packing - the actually placing items in one of three pieces of luggage allotted for the journey. It help just staying in motion and not letting the overwhelming excitement Kat and I both are feeling. Our hearts are full to the point of overflowing. To think the Lord would be so good to us - what did we do to deserve such favor from Him? Thinking of where we were when we started this journey and to reflect back on all the changes which have occurred over the last
4.5 years and the numerous times we could have pulled the plug, jumped ship. Each time one of us would be the strong one and say "I don't see it but let's don't stop now, let's just take this next step and then we will see." I can not tell you the number of times I would pray in the oh so still quite of the night when God first stirred my soul spirit years asking God "to please wet my fleece just one more time." I wish I could say I woke the next morning and my blackout was soaked. No it was more like wrestling most of the time which made the times when He did, it was so apparent and supernatural it renewed my resolve to stay the course and ask for fogiveness for my such lack of faith. God is my Ebinezer and Jehovah-Jira. He has always and will as be my Provider.
Each time I say I can't describe it, I give it another try. For those who already have a relationship with the Lord, you know what I am trying to describe. You will also know why we keep trying to put into words this most wonderful and most valued possession we have. Once a person is saved they become a new creation just as God tells us in His Word but it's not a possession you hold onto, you cannot help but share it with others. It's just the way God works. Maybe that is my answer, it's just  the way God works and He is worthy of our worship."

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