Monday, July 26, 2010

Gotcha Day - July 26th, 2010

God is faithful. 

What a beautiful child the Lord has entrusted us to raise. It has been an absolutely wonderful day but emotional exhausting. I will let the pics do the "talking" tonight because Kirby and mom are already fast asleep and I better hurry and catch up - no telling what time we will all be up in the morning. We will have much more time to fill in the details in the next several days because our pace will slow dramatically as we enjoy what the Chinese refer to as our "harmonises period" and have only one or two appointments per day with much down time. 

I can't close tonight with thanking our Lord for all He has done in our lives and the tremendous blessing He has seen fit to entrust to Katherine and me - now 5 of the most precious children ever!!!

Praising the Lord from China. We love you and are the beneficiaries of your many prayers, Thank you, 

David & Kat (zzzzzzzzzz)
Kirby looking at Mom for the first time:

Mom holding Kirby for the first time!

Mom and Dad with the orphanage employees

First family picture

Dad finally gets a turn!

The boys and I got to talk to Mom, Dad, and Kirby on skype this morning, which was SO exciting! She is so beautiful and happy! She would smile every time Dad would look at her and eventually she just put her head on Mom's shoulder and went to sleep! She's too cute! 
Can't wait to see more of her! -Laura Sims 


Katie said...

We are so happy for all of you!!! Yall look so happy & so does Kirby. Enjoy these times of bonding ( love her little fuzzy hair) cant wait to hear all about your day:)We love yall ♥ all the O's :)

Jill said...

Congrats on Baby Kirby!!!! She is just PRECIOUS and BEAUTIFUL!

Laura Hollowell said...

Oh, Happy Day!!

kendall said...

God is so Good!
So thrilled for all of you!
Kendall, Rob, Wells and Simeon Hamby

Unknown said...

Oh!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL and we are so thrilled to see God's perfect little gift for your family! Praying daily for you.
John and Jenn Swafford

Pat@Life At Lydias House said...

Oh my goodness! What a blessing and thank you Dennis family for sharing this wonderful story with us! We can't wait to see her in person!
The Haneys

Unknown said...

Hi Dennis Family,Thank you for sharing this special time in your life.She is a gift from God.We cant wait to hold her.Love you all Terry and Vicki Talton.

Louanne said...

Kendall gave me your blog to read. What a delight and congratulations. We adopted our sweet girl from jiangxi in July 2007 and our next round of paperwork goes to China today.