Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Packing Packing Packing

How do you decide what to take on such an important trip? I've been collecting things for months... no, years; and now it all has to fit into one bag. Kirby gets one suitcase and David and I are sharing another. David has packed 4 changes of clothes in what lookes like  freeze-dried bags and he is basically finished. My side of the suitcase looks like a teenager's room, so I decided to repack. I counted 15 pairs of socks. Do I need 15 socks for a 16 day trip? Probably not, so then I had to sit down and decide which socks to take. I then noticed David has made a list of what he has packed in the suitcase. Wow are we different1 Everytime I see something I may need I throw it in, which is how I ended up with 15 socks and no telling what else.
Kirby's suitcase is equally as funny. We have no idea what size she is, what she eats, what bottle nipple, or pacifier she uses, so we pack a little bit of every shape and size and pray God guides us to the right thing. I know God guides, the only question is can I be quiet enough to listen!
What to pack in a carry on? If your big bag is lost what do you absolutely need with you? Medicine, snack food, Bible... What Bible to take? My big study Bible weighs too much, and my small Bible is too hard to read. I sound like Goldilocks. In the midst of all this James (14 yrs old) comes to report that he has found a verse for my China trip. Luke 9:3 "Take nothing for your journey, neither a staff, nor a bag nor bread, nor money; and do not even have two tunics  apiece". Out of the mouths of babes... Thank you James for this reminder, all I really need is the paper work. Everything else is icing.

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