Wednesday, July 28, 2010

She laughed!!!!

This morning Kirby woke up about 4:30 and just couldn't get settled back down. I held her and rocked her. We don't have a rocking chair so I sat in the bed with her in my arms an my legs crossed and David rubbed my back which rocked me like a rocking chair. This went on for close to an hour and finally she settled down enough to sleep on top of me. We got up for good about 7:30 and she is so alert and happy. I was changing her diaper and when I finished I picked up snuggly (a pink bunny head with a blanket body like the ones James and Nathan loved so much when they where this age). I jiggled bunny on her tummy and she started laughing out loud!! Over and over she did it. Then she saw David and wanted to get to him on the other side of the room, so she rolled like a log over and over to try to get to him. Just yesterday she could barley roll over and needed help and today she is rolling both ways easily and sitting completely by herself. I can leave her on the floor while I pack a bag. Amazing strides in just 24 hours. And she is very verbal today, cooing and babbling. We talked to Laura Sims and she would "talk" herself. She laughes at herself when she sees herself in the mirror. She is sleepin now and I am also going to take a nap. It is great to have so much time to spend with her, but we miss the older children very much and can hardly wait to get home and be a complete family.Thank you so much to everyone for your prayers, they are very much appreciated on this side of the world. God is good! All the time God is good.!!! 

1 comment:

Laura Hollowell said...

Laughter is the best! Thanks for the great update! I love reading it all.
Off to banquet....