Saturday, July 31, 2010

Transition day - One step closer to home

Friday we traveled from Kirby's province capital of Nanchang where we successfully applied for and received Kirby's Chinese passport (a vital doc and major step to bringing her home) to Guangzhou. A large city where the American consulate is locate and we started our next series of medical examinations and application for Kiby's visa which will give us passage to bring her home next Saturday.  We left our hotel after saying our goodbyes to many of the excellent hotel staff would took great care of us as we navigated this large and sometimes confusing city. A special shout out to Andi who was a "breath of fresh air" who "held our hand" many times. Andi is from Oregon and been in NanChang for the last year and is a duty manager at the Hotel where we stayed - I cant tell you how nice it was to know she was always close by to help with directions, language issues, ect...   Thanks Andi !

Kirby asleep on the bus ride to the hotel
We left the hotel at 3:30pm and Kirby took her first airplane ride to Guangzhou; about an hour flight but after a delay and meeting up will many other families in the Guangzhou airport, we arrived at our new home away from home around 11:30pm and fell into bed for a good night sleep. You can do the math on how much time we spent in airports, and the Nanchang airport has no AC, so it was quite an experience. I kept saying to myself a verse from Psalm 118 "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it" I love that verse because it is just happy and perfect for those great days, but the greatest thing about that verse is that its part of the psalms our Lord and Savior sang after the Passover meal(Lord's supper) as He and the disciples went to the garden of Gethsemane. To realize that on the very day the he was crucified He sang "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." Wow!! Every day is a day God made and the circumstances that I find myself in should not keep me from rejoicing in HIM. I will leave this subject by saying that I had to remind myself of this fact many, many times during that very long travel day.  

It has been a most exciting blessing to seeing all the families (26) who we spent 3 days getting to know in Beijing and after fanning out all over China, each family now has a precious new addition to their  families. It is so obvious God has ordained these divine appointments because of the pure joy and unconditional love each family has for these little angels. So many adorable faces from 9 months to 13 years old, such a variety of families, so many amazing stories of God's love and provision. Thank you for following ours.

Our small group fixing to leave for the airport after an unbelievable 5 days together - where two of us families became parents again and two couples became parents for the first time.

Kat has the 'precious cargo' and I'm responsible for everything else, including the extra suitcase we had to buy today so everything would fit.

Kirby getting ready for her first flight

 Kirby up and ready for her Saturday morning for her medical examination. Hard to believe but she gets cuter everyday.

Kirby did not like it one bit, these nurses weighing her and measuring her . Actually the pic was only a brief spell, she did get and passed with flying colors - Praise The Lord !

 After such a long morning Kirby perked back up after sharing Mama's lunch

This is Mama's lunch. This is what Kat calls "going wild" eating in China - not sure "going wild" on the desert bar counts but Kirby sure did liked it !!!


Jill said...

Welcome to Guangzhou! Glad you had a safe flight! You are right, she gets cuter every day!

Laura G said...

We can hardly wait to get our hands on her- she is soooo adorable. The Greens

Laura Hollowell said...

She gets cuter everyday - she's already thriving in your care!

Louanne said...

She is so sweet and cute!