Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kirby's name

We decided to name our new daughter Kirby very soon after we knew we were going to adopt. David and I have always liked using family names and just knew we would do the same with child #5. Laura-Sims is named for my sister Laura and her great-grandfather Nathan Sims. David III is of course named for his father, David Jr. and grandfather, David Sr.. James is named for his grandfather Jimmy Green and Nathan is named for his great-grandfather Nathan Sims. Kirby is named after my (Katherine's) grandfather Kirby Stokes Covington (1903-1990). Everyone called him K.S.. I have the clearest memory of going to spend the night with he and my grandmother(Kathleen) and them kneeling beside the bed to pray with us. I remember him praying for my husband and children.  I was only a child and it seemed like the strangest thing ever. He would never have been able to imagine he was praying for his great-grand child in China, but he would have been glad to know he was. In I Corinthians 2:9 the Bible says "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him". A child half way around the world is very hard to imagine but in 8 more days it will be a reality!

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