Thursday, July 15, 2010

My unique call from the Lord - Kat

It was Christmas time 2005 our children were 9,9,12 and 13. We were finally out of the hard child rearing stage. So when David told me about his vision of a baby girl and that he thought we ought to adopt from China, I did think he was crazy and that it would pass. But he was so calm and confident and he only asked that I pray about it. So I did, for days, but I didn't hear from God. One morning when I was praying, really just complaining to God; I was explaining to Him why I couldn't possible adopt a baby. I had cooking class,hair appointments, bible studies....:I heard God ask me "Is that worth a child's life?" Wow, that did get me to thinking. Later when I was talking to my daughter Laura Sims (then 13), and explaining why I couldn't just say "yes" ; she asked "Why can't you just trust Dad, you trust him about everything else?" She was right of course and so I said yes.
 I fully expected that after I was obedient to God's call He would then give me my own special call. He didn't, at least not for awile. If I'm honest I would have to say I was upset with God for calling David first and not me. Of course God knew David would answer and I would make excuses. So I waited and waited some more. I wondered how Sarah (then Sarai) felt when God called Abraham (then Abram) to move to a new land. The bible doesn't tell us if God called Sarah, but we know that she moved with Abraham to a new land.(Genesis 12) So we began paper-chasing, homestudies and fingerprints, and I kept asking God for my own special call.
We were finaly logged in on 4-24-06. All of our paper work was in China and all I could think of was "Why?". There are many, many orphans in China. Why does this child get matched with us and others remain to grow up in an orphanage? One Sunday evening I was driving children from choir, to awanna, to discipleship and I just kept praying "Why God why?". Suddenly I saw. It only took a second but I saw it all. I mean I saw everything. I saw my whole family in heaven. Kirby, our baby girl was with us but older. I saw her birth mom who had prayed to the Living God to save her child. I knew God was faithful to answer that prayer, and I knew that if we did not adopt this child, God would call another who would. It was not at all about me, it was about her! God would save this child because HE IS FAITHFUL. Then I saw a missionary who had preached the Word of  God in China and not seen the fruit of his labor, and Kirby's  birth grandmother who had heard Him and believed, and that is why she and Kirby's birth mom called on the name of the Lord. We were all in heaven rejoicing together and marveling at God's goodness and faithfulness and awsome love. It only took a few seconds and tears were streaming down my face, but I knew God had called me to be a part of His plan for this child. It was up to me to accept His invitation and the blessings to follow or choose "self" and miss all of what God has in store for us.
There have been many times in the last  4 1/2 years when God has reassured me of His call for our family. There have been more times than I can count when someone from the body of Christ has had the right word, has showed up at the door with a gift, the perfect song has been sung or His word has spoken directly to my spirit. Everytime I am overwhelmed by His love and graciousness to reassure me when I should never doubt at all. ...Praise be to God!

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