Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fix'n To Fall In Love All Over Again

It's truly amazing to me how God doesn't require us to divide a limited amount of love between the children He blesses and entrust to us as parents. In fact He has chosen to demonstrate His unlimited and endless love to parents by giving us the same for each one of our children whether you have one or like us, fix'n to have six. It dawned on me this Easter, the day we worship and thank God for the greatest act of Love ever, the same day we were matched with Katie Kay, the Lord was allowing us to fall in love all over again with a precious little girl living without a mommy and daddy or 3 big brothers, 2 big sisters, 4 grandparents, 5 aunts & uncles, 20 1st cousins, numerous other relatives and friends not to mention a church family - all praying and anxiously awaiting for her to come home to be loved.

I didn't fall out of bed one day knowing this incredible truth one. God continues to teach me the wonders of His love. I clearly remember the day Laura Sims was born, weeping with joy for days afterwards because I had never loved like that before. Very soon after, we were pregnant again and I honestly was concerned It would be impossible to love another child as much as I loved Laura Sims. When she was just 16 months old, David 3 graced us with his presence and has been a blessing every day since. Again, I weep thankful tears of joy for days at this awesome gift the Lord had entrusted to us. God didn't ask me to share or divide my love between two children - He allowed me to start all "over again" - zero to unlimited. As if I needed to be sure this wasn't a fluke with having just 2 children, 19 months later James and Nathan made their grand entrance. Now God was teaching a math lesson not in our public school curriculum - He was doubling and multiplying His love that I equally shared for all 4 of our children. What an incredible gift God gives to parents as eveidnce of His love for each one of us. As we say down south, "it don't get no better than this" - (or does it?).

Isn't God so great in His unpredictable love for us. Right when you think you got something figured out; been there, bought that tee shirt, He blesses us with a new twist to the same lesson learned. Let me briefly explain, in 2005 God ask us to join Him in a journey that would change our lives (and many others) forever and teach me to never think I know or could ever understand the depth of His love. This is when He clearly called us to adopt a little girl from China. Last Thursday, July 27th we celebrated the second anniversary of Kirby's "Gotcha Day". There are no word's in the english language that can properly express the love I have for Kirby is as deep and endless as for Laura Sims, David 3, James and Nathan.

Guess what? He is fix'n to do it again. As i'm writing this, we are 35,000 feet over Iceland, approximately 1/2 way to China and just a few days away from Katie Kay becoming our 6th equally loved child. Another precious blessing from God who is LOVE. 

Katie Kay, daddy loves you more than even I know and or could understand. In just a few short days, I will be able to hold you and tell you just how much I love you for the very first time. My continual prayer is that you will begin to understand there is One who loves you even more I can - because HE is the author and perfecter of our love - Jesus.

In HIS Strong Love, 
David jr 
*soon to be a daddy again

*Comment: If you or someone you know is thinking they are being called to adopt but have a concern about loving an adopted child differently than a child God gives biologically, let me assure you that is a lie from satan who hates Christians adopting children because of the children will now live in a home where Christ is honored and the unbelievable blessing God has in store for those who are obedient to His command to care for the orphans. The truth is, the Love you have for each of your children regardless of how they come into your family is absolutely no different. How could it be since God invented Love and adoption is His original idea.

Ps: we made it here - 6 hours later than scheduled but in the grand scheme of things it's not even a "gnat bite" and long forgotten by Monday. We have some exciting mission opportunities scheduled in the next few days here in Beijing and hope to blog about them at the end of each day….

"You know they said to turn off
ALL electronic devices - including
your phone camera"

There are advantages to sitting
in the seats next to the exit door
for 16 hours

1 comment:

DD Sr said...

We saw LS yesterday at the reception for Rachel McLeod, and she gave us an update.
We will look forward to hearing from y'all as you continue on your journey.
Be safe. Be well God continue to bless you.