Sunday, July 29, 2012

Delight Yourself In The Lord ...

Psalm 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart". If you had asked me ten years ago what that verse meant I would have said that if I loved the LORD, He would give me what I wanted. Ten years ago what I would have thought I wanted was more free time to do what I wanted, more time for David and I to travel, to hang out.  But the LORD thankfully has changed the the desires of my heart to HIS desires.  Now I am counting the days till I have another daughter!
I am so inspired by the Yorks, a young couple in our home church who are traveling to China to adopt at the same time we are. We have become dear friends as we have navigated this journey together and I am blessed to watch them follow the Lord in obedience to His call to adopt at such a young age. They have delighted themselves in the Lord and on Sunday they will meet their daughter Molly, the desire of their heart and His. You can follow their story at
I have often wondered why David and I were called to adopt. We are not those "super" parents. I am not the room mom, I do not make cupcakes for every occasion, I hardly cook and the house is in constant disarray. When I ask the Lord why we were called to this blessing, I have heard Him say "Because like Israel, you are the least of these."  Amen! We are completely dependent on the Lord as we raise children, all of them. We only do what we do in His strength.
"For we rejoice when we ourselves are weak but You are strong" 2 Corinthians 12:9

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