Sunday, August 5, 2012

Gotcha Day Eve

Another wonderful day in Beijing. It began with an awesome time of worshiping the L ord and sharing communion with other b elievers at the Beijing International C hristian Fellowship. A powerful message preached without compromise. Check them out on the web .

Sherry continued to treat us like we were the most special guest she has ever hosted and because we are the only family in our AWAA "group" this time (27 last time) we became very close in a short period of time. She made us feel special because she is so special. Thank you Sherry, we love you.

It's hard to believe the time has actually arrived. In approximately 12 hours from now we will become parents again. We are so excited it will be hard to sleep but I am about to give it my best try because we  need to be up at by 4 a.m. to catch our 6:15 flight to Nanchang which is about a 2 1/2 hour flight. Katie Kay will most likely already be at the hotel waiting on us with her nanny and orphanage director. WOW ! Here are some pics from today - we will try a post pics as soon as we possibly can tomorrow.

Worshiping with our brothers and sisters at
 Beijing International Christian Fellowship

Sherry arranged a special lunch for Katherine and me -
Peking Duck (yes all of the food was for 2)

My beautiful wife at the Great Wall the day before she becomes a mom again !

Did not climb as high on the Great Wall this time,
in fear of the Great Fall … would not be good on Gotcha Day Eve

Your turn to make up a caption (be nice)

Katherine and I appreciate your prayers for tomorrow and the days ahead. As you might expect, our hearts are overflowing with appreciation to our L ord for the blessing we are about to receive.

In HIS Strong Love - David, jr

1 comment:

Amy, Keith and Lia said...

We are so excited knowing that in about an hour, you will be meeting Katie Kay in the hotel!!!! We are praying for a smooth bonding. We can hardly wait to see the photos of the 3 of you...