Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mirror, Mirror on the Hotel Wall

What a blessing and privilege we have been given as we live out the answer to our specific prayers for G od to prepare Katie Kay's heart to bond and trust us with as little trauma and as quick as possible. Literally within 5 minutes of Katherine holding her for the very first time, Katie Kay went sound to sleep on her chest and when she woke up an hour latest she knew Katherine was her mommy and has never looked back. Only the L ord can do something so deep in our hearts and this why we praise and thank Him alone for little bundle of grace He has blessed us with.

"Mirror, mirror on the hotel wall; who is the prettiest little princess of them all? It must be me" says Katie Kay and her mommy and daddy agree.

A view from our hotel room - Galactic Peace International Hotel 
We have the same sweet lady as our guide in NanChang as we did 2 years ago. Only this time we are Mary's only family this week so it's a much more personal experience. Mary lives within walking distance to our hotel with her husband and 2 children (a 20 yr old son in college and 11 yr old daughter). We are learning much more about this area and their culture which is so fascinating and we look forward to sharing. We have a lot more to see and do in the next 2 days and will post a sampling of the sights and fortunately for you, not some of the smells.. LOL

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