Saturday, August 4, 2012

Saturday in Beijing

 This is Sherry our guide, the same one we had two years ago. She covers up completely and carries an umbrella to keep from getting sun while I take the opportunity to get some sun
 We were able to go to the old part of Beijing and take a rickshaw ride and even see in someones home.  The whole area is full of all kinds of interesting smells.
 David's driver was very strong!
This is the Temple to Heaven, very beautiful. We were also able to go to a tea tasting.
We saw lots of interesting things today that made us miss the children at home!! At supper tonight we went to a buffet where David, who will try a lot, came back to the table with only watermelon. I was able to find some rice. I am looking forward to breakfast.
Two more sleeps till gotcha day.

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