Sunday, March 13, 2011

AWAA Adoption Seminar - What a blessing !!!

Yesterday we held the first ever adoption seminar at First Baptist Spartanburg and what an incredible time as we were able to share with over 40 people who came from all over to hear God's' perspective on adoption and how they can practically respond to what God has commanded us to do - care for the orphans, widows and foreigners.

One of the coolest things about yesterday was to witness so many Christians aligning their hearts to God's as it pertains to orphans. There where families there within weeks of traveling to meet their first child in a foreign land to several young couples who are not yet old enough to adopt but certain adoption is God's plan for their family. What a blessing yesterday was for me and my whole family. Even Laura-Sims was able to come home and share with everyone how adoption had changed her life and from a siblings point-of-view, the blessing it has been for our whole family.

In my quite and prayer times, I am becoming more convinced God is doing something wonderful through His people as they respond to His invitation to included a helpless orphan to become a part of their forever families. It was the Christians of the first century in Roman, who began to find the unwanted children, abandoned and left to die. They found them, took them in (adopted them), loved them as their own and mirrored what God had done for them spiritually - adopted them into His family. We don't see the first generation Christians building orphanages, as wonderful and necessary as they are today, rather they where adopting the fatherless and giving them protection and love. This along with keeping themselves unspotted from from the world is what God says is pure and undefiled religion according to God's Word (James 1:27).

God is good all of the time !

Check out some recent photos which show a small glimpse of what its like around the Dennis home these days.....      
Taking Kirby on a stroll in the snow
Daddy and his 2 Princesses
Watching David shovel snow

Sporting a new Hair-Do - oh my!
Kirby & Laura-Sims best friends :)
"go give Nathan a hug"

"go give James a hug"

She loves her glasses

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