Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rookie Mistakes

Even though David and I are veterans we had a few great rookie moments this week...

We had no early appointments yesterday so we put Kirby in the bed with us in the morning and were "sleeping in". The sun rises incredibly early here so the hotel has good, dark curtains. David got up and boiled water for the bottle, my tea, and his coffee. We are using bottled water and boiling it so he grabbed the partially used water bottle from the night before, made everything, and we all crawled back in bed. After Kirby finished her bottle, I drank my tea and it tasted funny, not bad but lemony. David said his coffee was funny too. He got up to check the boiling pot and discovered he had put a bottle of Gatorade instead of water in the pot!! Kirby didn't seem to care and drank the bottle completely. We did have a few extra diapers that day. 

One day we ventured out on our own to the Pearl Market. The hugest shopping area I have ever seen. We walked around for 4 hours and never saw any non-Asian. Well of course I was hungry so when I saw a Pizza Hut symbol I was trilled. It was more of a regular Chinese restaurant that also served pizza. Kirby needed changing so in my very best charade I asked the young waitress where I could change her. She pointed to a booth in the restaurant right near everyone. Well I had no choice so I changed her as fast as I could. She rolls so much when changing diapers, David held her still while I  got the diaper on and off in record time. I then sat her on my lap for lunch. Not one minute later I told David these where terrible diapers, I could feel her going straight thru them. When I looked down, I realized I had put the diaper on so fast that I only gotten it on only half of her "bum-bum" and sure enough she had just gone straight on me. But in a country where children where slit-pants and are allowed to go go potty anywhere at anytime, nobody seemed to care. 

We miss everyone very much and can hardly wait to get home and be a united family. 
We are off to our oath taking ceremony, our final step of paper work and hurdles to bring Kirby home. 

1 comment:

Laura Hollowell said...

Gatorade! These are great stories! Thank you for sharing. Can't wait to see you at home!